Download Zidane Materazzi Headbutt Pics. The most shocking moment in fifa world cup history? Referee reveals truth on zidane red card for materazzi headbutt.
Marco Materazzi Reveals What He Said To Zinedine Zidane ... from Zidane was given a red card. I was lucky enough that the whole episode took me by surprise because if i had expected something like that to happen. After video evidence suggested that materazzi had verbally provoked zidane that led to the headbutt, three british media newspapers claimed to have.
Where did zinedine zidane headbutt marco materazzi?
Look at zidane headbutt marco materazzi. When zidane offered to trade shirts with materazzi after the game, as in a show of good faith, materazzi supposedly replied i'd rather take the shirt the outburst. June 5, 2014, 8:04 pm. Materazzi, who has always denied saying anything about zidane's mother, shed some light in september of that year on what he had said to provoke the headbutt.